Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Pro's of Blogging

So although I'd like to believe that my blog has all the latest and greatest on Italy but in all reality it's not! I find that some of the most valuable blogs are from those who have been to Italy, live in Italy, etc. So here is a little compilation of what I have found to be some pretty valuable blogs. They include things like what to do while you are there, food, music, news, etc. I also find some of the personal accounts that these blog owners have shared to be quite helpful. So check it out and hopefully you find something that helps you out!

Here is also a compilation of great blogs to view from

Picture Courtesy of

Above is the beautiful city of Venice!

Italy is one of the Top Places to Study Abroad!

According to Courier Journal, Italy is among one of the top rated countries in the world to study abroad!

Read the article about how study abroad offers students a unique and driven perspective on academics.

Cinque Terre

It's a hidden treasure. I've just recently come upon this city and area in my research. 

Picture courtesy of Giada Velenti

The beautiful pictures of this region are little of what what makes this small little city so attractive. Reviews about the friendly villagers, food, and sites are enticing travelers from all around the world to make their way to this rocky beauty. The region has it's very own website which features a little more information about each of the cities and what they have to offer to you.

If you are wondering about the food, read about it with Giada Valenti on her blog.

Visit to read about this areas history and modern features.

If you prefer to read an overall review of the area, visit the NY Times online article titled "36 Hours in the Cinque Terre."

There is a multitude of sites out there that provide different information on Cinque Terre, these are just a few. Feel free to scope out the area on your own!

What about $$$

As a student, I know you've thought about it. How in the world am I going to pay for myself to go to the other side of the world?! It's an intimidating thought. And although college programs usually have aid to help you along your way, it's usually just enough to cover the basics. What about meals, shopping, site seeing, traveling? You're gonna need a plan. Lucky for you a found a really neat slide show that presents some of the most basic yet crucial information on planning a budget.

Photo Courtesy of

Visit DIWYY again to view their Financing a Trip Abroad slide show presentation. It's cute and quirky and just what you need to get a feel for how to plan your budget.

In addition to this little slide show, I've also come upon a website called Drexxel which provides some pretty simple but thorough tips on how to cover the costs of going abroad.

Cutest Little Place!

I found the most adorable little bed and breakfast called Le Stanze dei Medici located in Florence. It's not the most extravagant of places to stay but it's the essence of what you think of (or at least what I think of) when you think of Italy. It's cute, dainty, and modern. Check it out!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Study abroad in Portovenere, Italy.

For some the cities of Rome, Florence, Tuscany, and Milan are very obvious and perfect choices when choosing where they want to stay during their time abroad. While these cities offer a multitude of opportunities, there are also many small towns, such as Portovenere, that can do the same.

Photo Courtesy of Grassroots Gourmet Blog

This beautiful ocean-side city may be just what you are looking for on your visit abroad. It's a very small town that offers a very locally focused experience. You will eventually be able to interact with the locals on a personal level very soon after the beginning of your stay. 

I found a pretty cool blog for girls called DIWYY which stands for Do It While You're Young. The admin of the site blogged about her experience at Portovenere and offers some inspiring words about choosing a smaller city over the large ones.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why Go Italy?

Through all my searching for the best of Italy I keep finding myself back at Why Go Italy?. It is a comprehensive website featuring news articles, blogs, and the latest on what's happening in Italy.

I found a really great link on where to go holiday shopping while in Italy. If you're like me, you can't get enough of shopping! This article provides information on all the neatest places to go to buy gifts for people back where you live or even for yourself!

From leather markets in Florence to Carthusia on the Island of Capri, you'll be able to find just what you are looking for.